Monday, August 30, 2010

Save Money on your printing cost

My last blog was about my experience and education. Working in the print field I've found a lot of clients just wasting money because they don't really understand the concept of color.

There are a lot of people that are the do-it-yourself or who bought Photoshop and decided to do Graphic Design without any experience or education in the print field because they have a creative talent.

The most common mistake would be not understanding 2-color vs. 4-color or just color vs. black only.  Everyone wants Full (4-color) prints but they don't do any investigation on the cost difference.  If you design a form and want a line of red but send it off to the online printers and click color, your actually paying for 4-color. In reality you could change the document to separate a red (pantone) color and black... you will see the cost come down significantly.

Do some investigating, make sure the piece your printing needs to be a color.  If it doesn't matter to the customer, make it black and explain that since this is just a form, they would be better off saving some money to put in the color jobs later that will bring them more business.

Here are some other things you can do to save money material that I found while searching it goes into more detail for the Graphic Designer in us:

Do you have any other ideas or comments?

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